#MA30DAY Week 1

As promised here is my week 1 recap for the #MA30DAY Muscle Building program.

I just want to say I am really enjoying this program! Since getting my personal training certification I didn't follow any one else's meal or workout plans but I wanted to try this one. Not only is Massy Arias freaking amazing ascetically I have a lot of respect for her as a personal trainer. She really knows her  stuff!

Meals: Every meal is planned out based on macros (or calorie intake) recommended to reach your optimal goals for the program. She gives a detailed grocery list with food swap alternatives for people with allergies or who are like me and are really picky. It's really easy to understand because everything is broken down. It tells you when to eat your meals and what snack goes where. If you can follow instructions you can do this program.


Post workout smoothie with Tru Supps plant based protein

Workouts: When I tell you the first leg day was so killer I am not joking! I haven't been that sore in a long time, mainly because I had been avoiding deadlifts up until this program haha, but I liked it! The workouts are paired very well with instructional videos to show you proper form. So if you're new to working out and don't know what things like burps or a glute bridge is you're in good hands. Massy shows you how it's done. Solomon has been doing most of the workouts with me and even he's impressed. He's been weightlifting exclusively since 2007. But the workouts are designed to give you a great workout without being in the gym for 2+ hours. (Who has that kind of time?!) I started actively foam rolling on this program, it is literally a life saver. I'm mad I wasn't doing it as often before as I am now! My rest days are now Netflix & Roll days.

So far I am very happy with this program. I didn't do fat loss because I'm not really interested in losing fat,  I think I'm skinny enough as is. I see my muscles are peaking back out though and Solomon says my booty is looking bigger! Haaaaaayyyyyy!
 Stay tuned for the week 2 update.


I'm a right-brained Lousiana born Cali girl. I'm a former dancer, basktball player and theater kid turned media swiss army knife and gym rat. I love Jamba Juice, photography and the beach. I live in sunny Florida with my amazing husband Solomon.

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