It takes a village...

When I lived in California we used to pass this mural all the time that said: "It takes a village to raise a child." It's an old proverb that means a child has a better chance of growing into a stable, healthy and properly functioning member of society when multiple people take a role in the child's life. This is how we were raised and how we plan to raise or child(ren).

Some of you know the fees associating with private adoption are astronomical. The average cost of domestic (US born) adoptions through an agency is around $30,000 and that doesn't include the things you need to raise the child like a crib, stroller, car seats...etc. So this is where we need our village. Instead of just creating a GoFundMe and saying "give us money" we wanted to fundraise in a way that gives you something in return. To help offset the cost of our fees I am creating custom digital paintings. They will be loose interpretations so they may not look exactly like you but are fun to have. They're great for holiday greeting cards, cell phone lock screens, save the dates and more!

Here are a few examples of some that I've made
Gabbie & Makayla

Massy , Stefan  & Indira Williams

Aliya, Earl, Aria and baby Aren Wilson

Are you're ready to donate?  Click here to purchase through the website or click here to use Etsy.
In case you don't want a digital painting but still want to contribute you can use, Venmo or Paypal.

*please note; these are loose interpretations and may not look exactly like you. Since this is a donation there are no refunds on digital paintings

Thank you in advance to anyone who wants to donate towards the cause!


I'm a right-brained Lousiana born Cali girl. I'm a former dancer, basktball player and theater kid turned media swiss army knife and gym rat. I love Jamba Juice, photography and the beach. I live in sunny Florida with my amazing husband Solomon.

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