Get Focused!

All of my busy #mompreneurs this one is for you! Trying to run your household, business and family is a TAXING job. Sometimes I’m not even certain what day of the week it is 😂. Ya girl is running off caffeine, A high bun, hydrate and all 5 seasons of Schitt's Creek for the 4th time in a row.

I’ve been able to test out Tru Supplement's newest product Focus and it’s been a game-changer! So far I’ve only been taking 1/2 serving at a time but it’s still getting the job done. I drink it first thing in the morning when I’m getting Solomon ready for work. I’ve also gone back to scheduling out my day by the hour and I’ve been knocking stuff off my list. I got to the point where I was trying to do too many things at once and getting overwhelmed because I wasn’t accomplishing all of the things. This has allowed me to focus on specific tasks and get them done before moving onto the next. For those who don’t know I’m also a photographer (Crowned Visuals) in addition to being a #Mawarriors coach and we are approaching holiday family portraits season. So I’m probably going to be getting slammed over the next few months and need to make the most of my allotted time to work. As you can see little fingers thinks my things are his toys so I work when he naps. Also, I think we found the cure to mom and brain! not to mention it is pregnancy and breast-feeding safe with only 70 mg of caffeine. That’s less than the average cup of coffee!

From NOW until the END of September anyone who purchases FOCUS will get ONE free sample of TRU BCAA and TRU Energy, + FREE shipping. Also, you’ll be entered to win a FREE 1 year supply of TRU Products (2 products of your choice every month for a year!) Use my code JLaws to save a few dollars.


I'm a right-brained Lousiana born Cali girl. I'm a former dancer, basktball player and theater kid turned media swiss army knife and gym rat. I love Jamba Juice, photography and the beach. I live in sunny Florida with my amazing husband Solomon.

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