Happy Father's Day!

 February 18, 2019 we officially became parents. We met Joseph a few weeks earlier at our adoption agency’s office to talk about whether or not the match would be a fit. I was holding Joseph, Solomon and our caseworker were talking, and Joseph smiled very briefly when Solomon talked. At first Solomon didn’t want to hold him because he was worried he’d get attached and the match would fall through. We both held him and yes we got attached 😂, in the car Solomon said: “I want him.”. Every day he’d count down how many days were left until we could go pick him up. Being a dad was always something he wanted. Some think I had to talk him into the idea of adoption but it was something we were both on board with before we even got married. When we were on a cruise last summer and still train naturally he said: “if nothing happens this cycle we’re moving forward with adoption.” They have such a cute bond. Joseph’s face lights up when Solomon FaceTimes or comes home from work.
Last year mother’s and father’s day were pretty rough for us but we finally got it! 


I'm a right-brained Lousiana born Cali girl. I'm a former dancer, basktball player and theater kid turned media swiss army knife and gym rat. I love Jamba Juice, photography and the beach. I live in sunny Florida with my amazing husband Solomon.

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